Behavior and training organizations:

APDT- Association of Pet Dog Trainers
The Pet Professionals Guild

Separation Anxiety - Melina DeMartini

Separation Anxiety - Melina DeMartini
Kim Brophey's Tedx Talk- The Problem with Treating a Dog like a Pet.
International Association of Animal Behavior Consultants
Companion Animal Science Institute

Association of Animal Behavior  Professionals
Certification Council for Professional Dog Trainers

Dog training books:


Recommended reading:

The Culture Clash- Jean Donaldson

Puppy Primer- Patricia B McConnel, PH. D.

Decoding your Dog- American College of Veterinary Behaviorists

Being a dog: following the dog into a world of smell Alexandra Horowitz

Should I spay or neuter my dog?- Jane Messineo Lindquist

Living with Kids and Dogs by Colleen Pelar

Total Recall  by Pippa Mattinson

Mine! A practical guide to resource guarding in dogs- Jean Donaldson

Skijor with your dog- Mari Hoe- Raitto and Carol Kaynor

General training Equipment Resources:

jjdog- leashes and long lines

Ruffwear - Front Range harness

Westpaw- Rowdies and other great toys

Skijoring equipment:
Howling Dog Alaska
